Edit and delete account
On the Salesperson list name, you can click on their name to edit their information or permissions.

You cannot change their email after creating. If you want to change their email, create a new salesperson account.
After changing your information, click Save. After updating, their link to app will be automatically updated to their new information.

You can also activate a salesperson. When an account is inactive, you cannot assign quote to them.

You can also delete a salesperson account.

After deleting them from salesperson list, they no longer have access to app Quote Snap. If they still click on the link they've got from email, they will be redirected to Shopify admin.

You cannot change their email after creating. If you want to change their email, create a new salesperson account.
After changing your information, click Save. After updating, their link to app will be automatically updated to their new information.

You can also activate a salesperson. When an account is inactive, you cannot assign quote to them.

You can also delete a salesperson account.

After deleting them from salesperson list, they no longer have access to app Quote Snap. If they still click on the link they've got from email, they will be redirected to Shopify admin.
Updated on: 20/11/2024
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