⛳ How to add date and time to Thank You page?
To add date and time to your Thank you page, please follow 3 steps below:
Step 1. Go to "Settings" section of Shopify, choose "**Checkout"** and click "**Customize"**

Step 2. In "Checkout page", choose "Thank You" page

Step 3. In "Thank You" page, choose "Apps" and then choose DingDoong and "Add to Thank You page"

As a result, when customers select a date or time, it will appear on the Thank You page like this:

Step 1. Go to "Settings" section of Shopify, choose "**Checkout"** and click "**Customize"**

Step 2. In "Checkout page", choose "Thank You" page

Step 3. In "Thank You" page, choose "Apps" and then choose DingDoong and "Add to Thank You page"

As a result, when customers select a date or time, it will appear on the Thank You page like this:

Updated on: 19/11/2024
Thank you!