General settings: Configure the Minimum Age Verification
Verify Age
Purpose: This section allows you to set the minimum age required for visitors to access your website or content. The default value is 18, but you can adjust it to suit your specific requirements.
Functionality: If a visitor is below the minimum age, they will be prevented from accessing the restricted content.

Purpose: This section allows you to choose the method for age verification.
Functionality: You can choose between:
No input: If selected, visitors will not be required to provide any information to verify their age.

Birthdate entry: If selected, visitors will be prompted to enter their birthdate to provide a stronger level of verification.

Advanced settings: Configure conditions and labels
Remember visitor for
Purpose: This setting determines how long a visitor's age verification status will be remembered after they have initially verified their age.
Functionality: Once a visitor verifies their age, their information will be stored for the specified duration. This means they won't need to verify their age again for subsequent visits within that timeframe.
Example: If set to 30 days, a visitor who verifies their age today will not be required to do so again for the next 30 days.

Display page(s)
Purpose: This setting allows you to specify which pages of your website will require age verification.
Functionality: You can choose between:
All pages: Age verification is required for all pages of your website.

Specific pages: You can select individual pages or groups of pages that require age verification. This is useful if you have content that is age-restricted on certain pages but not others.

Note: In case, you choose ''Specific pages'', you need to choose from the drop down list for display.

Date order
Purpose: This setting determines the format in which visitors should enter their date order depending on your country.
Functionality: You can choose between:
YY,MM,DD: Year, Month, Day
MM,DD,YY: Month, Day, Year
DD,MM,YY: Day, Month, Year
YY,DD,MM: Year, Day, Month
MM,YY,DD: Month, Year, Day
DD,YY,MM: Day, Year, Month

Custom label for month
Purpose: The setting allows you to customize the labels used for the months in the birthdate entry field.
Replace default labels: You can replace the default month labels (January, February, etc.) with your preferred labels.
Choose any language: You can use labels in any language you need, making your website more accessible to a wider audience.
Customize format: You can change the format of the labels (e.g., using abbreviations or different capitalization).

Updated on: 04/12/2024
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