Exact Postal Code Matching
Exact Postal Code Matching Method
Exact postal code matching method checks if the customer's location is eligible for local delivery by checking exactly the postal code/zip code that he put in the widget
This approach should be used if your delivery area is limited to a few postal/zip codes. In case you deliver to a large number of eligible postal codes, our Partial matching method may be a better option
How Does The Exact Postal Code Matching Method Work?
You will need to enter at least a valid exact postal code to enable delivery zone

Your customers will need to enter their postal/zip codes in the widget to check if delivery is available

If the postal code exactly matches one of the postal codes/zip codes that you define in your delivery conditions setting, the customer will be able to proceed

If the postal code does not match any postal code/zip code that you set on your back end, the consumer will be unable to proceed further

How To Enable The Exact Postal Code Matching Method?
Step 1: At the Delivery zone section, tick to choose Exact postal code match
Step 3: Fill in the blanks with valid postal codes. Click the Add button to insert them

You can add postal codes one by one or in bulk, but remember to separate each postal code with a comma so that the zone can be defined and local delivery will work.
If you have a large number of postal codes, please contact our support team for immediate assistance.
Updated on: 19/11/2024
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