Articles on: Quantity Price Breaks

Quantity Price Breaks app - Product handle and Collection handle

Get your product handle

When you create a new product in Shopify, it automatically generates a product handle that is identical to the product name. If your product is called Unisex polo shirt, for example, the handle would be unisex-polo-shirt. You can think of the product handle as the Permalink for that particular product’s page.

There are 2 ways to get product handle,
The first way is: Go to the product page in Shopify and look for the Edit Website SEO Section at the bottom of the page

After that, you will see a field named ‘’URL and handle’’ -> the last text right next to the slash is the product handle

The second way is: go to the front store -> select the product and you will see the last text right next to the slash in the URL of product is the product handle

Get your collection handle

It would be the same to the product handle. Go to the collection page in Shopify and look for the Search engine listing preview section at the bottom of the page, the underline text is the collection handle

Otherwise, go to the front store and choose the collection you need, in the URL of the collection you will see the text here, that’s collection’s handle

Shop designs often rely on static handles for pages, products, and menus. In order to preserve design elements and avoid broken links, if you modify the title of an object, Shopify does not automatically update the handle.

For example, if you were to change your page title from Pre-order to Import, the handle would still be pre-order.

Updated on: 21/07/2022

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