Articles on: Auto Tags Customer & Order

Criteria Options

Here is the definition of Criteria Options used in the app:

For text

Contain: Check the criteria if it contains the string you have specified anywhere in the value

Not contain: Check the criteria if it DOES NOT contain the string you have specified anywhere in the value

Start with: Check to see if the value specified appears at the beginning of the chosen criteria

End with: Check to see if the value specified appears at the end of the chosen criteria

In set: Check the criteria if it matches exactly any of the comma-separated list of values. The field accepts a comma separated list of potential values.

Not in set: Check the criteria if it DOES NOT exactly match any of the comma-separated list of values. The field accepts a comma separated list of potential values.

For value

In Set: Check the value if it matches exactly any of the comma-separated list of values. The field accepts a comma separated list of potential values.

Not In Set: Check the value if it DOES NOT match exactly any of the comma-separated list of values. The field accepts a comma separated list of potential values

Updated on: 04/12/2024

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