Auto tag - New Document
Getting started with main features
Auto Tags Customer & Order - Main functions
Automatically add tags according to the rules for order or customer. A tag can have multiple conditions. This is a very advanced feature, it helps for segmentation orders and customers. How to add the tag(s) to an order To filter your customers, you can use the “add tags to customers” feature. How to add the tag(s) to a customer ( the tag(s) to an order
Use this section to create rules to add tags to orders, customers, and also the order note field. From the first page of the app interface, click button to set up your rules To set conditions, you can use bFew readersAdd the tag(s) to a customer
To filter your customers, you can use the Add tags to customers feature. There are two options for you to add tags to customers: Add tags to customers the same as orders Define tags using fixed tags or variable tags Auto-Schedule (optional) allows you to remove or update the customer tags after a certain period of time or on a certain date. Related article How to add the tag(s) to an orSome readersRemove tag(s) from order(s)
Order Tagger by Omega app can remove any old tags which might have previously been applied by the app itself or by other third party apps. Related articles How to add the tag(s) to an order How to add the tag(s) to a customer HSome readers
Definition of item's fields
Definition of Product's fields
An order can have many items. In it, each item has condition fields. These conditions will have more options: one of the items (one of the items), all of the items (all items), none of the items (none of the items) Is the id of the collection containing the productFew readersDefinition of Billing address's fields
Each order has only 1 billing address =no more options one/all/none The street address of the billing address The street address of the billing address (optional) City, town, or village of billing address Company of the person rFew readersDefinition of Shipping address's fields
Only 1 shipping address per order =no more options one/all/none Delivery address (customers enter how to get it) The street address of the shipping address (optional) The street address of the shipping address (optional) ReciFew readersDefinition of Customer's fields
Only 1 customer per order =no more option one/all/noneFew readersDefinition of Transaction's fields
This article will help you to definite the fields that are included in a transaction in Shopify's order The URL of the page when the buyer has come to the store, usually takes a key that changes a little like the domain Source of checkout (https://storaFew readersDefinition of Oder's fields
There are some fields of an order that you may need to create the condition, please take a look here ID of the application that created the order Does the customer agree to receive email updates from the shop (true: yes, false: no) Attribute is an array that stores custom order information. Usually used to provFew readersDefinition of Shipping line's fields
One order will have many shipping lines, each of them will have enough condition fields next to it. These conditions will have more options: one of items (one of the shipping lines), all of items (all shipping lines), none of items (no items in any of the shipping lines) A code that references the shipping method ( readers
Why is the tag not added to order?
First of all, copy the order's ID whose you think the tag should be added to Secondly, select the tag that you think it should be added to the order Finally, put the order's ID to the test field and see does it matches or not Please refer to this video for a tutorial youtube Omegatheme Auto Tags Customer & Order - How to check if an order matches condition or not (1F9o-huqPHFew readersDynamic Tags with Auto Tags Orders & Customers
Scenario: Customer A places an order and picks a delivery date which is added as a tag to the order. Then, you want to add the delivery date tag on the order to the customer as well. Step 1: Create a workflow Step 2: Set up conditions (https://storage.crisp.chFew readersReprocess Tags (Add tag to old orders)
If you want to tag old orders with specific workflow, please check Reprocess in Action tab. Please be noted that only orders created within the last 60 days can be re-processed For more options, you can check it in the Settings. Please check the video below to get more details: youtube ReprocesFew readersTag Management
Tag Management Step 1: From the Start Interface, click Create A workflow to add the tag: Step 2: Move to the Conditions bar to set conditions for your tag, in which you could choose 1 type of field to create a new tag condition. There are 7 different categories you can choose or another field, those are listed in the picture below: ( readersAuto Tags Customer & Order - Rule Criteria and options
There are 7 categories you could choose to set the rules and each of them will have its own criteria: Collection id Collection title Fulfillable quantity: The amount available to fulfill, calculated as follows: Name Grams Product id Product price Product Properties' (Name, Value): An array of custom information for the item that has been added to the cart. See example below Estimated between & vendredi 23 octobre and mercredi 28 octobre are the properties’Some readersTrial Policy
When you install our app for the first time, you can use it free of charge for 14 days of trial. The trial period only available once for each store. You can re-install the app as many times as you want within those 14 days and you will not be charged, but after trial period, if you uninstall the app and install it again, you will be charged immediately. About Trial Extension: We are sorry to say that there's no easy way to extend your trial, as standard Shopify trial sFew readersAdd the tag to order's note
Add tags to the order Note field same as orders, all the tags added to the order will be added to the order Note field if you tick this option. Related articles How to add the tag(s) to an order (htSome readersAuto Tags Customer & Order - General settings
This is the Settings interface: Make sure the app is enabled to work on your store. If you disable the app because of any reason, please contact us so that we can support you as well as improve the performance. Reprocess tag is used when you would like to add tags to the old orders in your store or re-tag your orders with new rules. There are 4 ways you can reprocess the tags for orderPopularAuto tag orders & customer - Workflow library
When orders are created or updated, IF one of item have Product Title contain Bamboo Then Add tags to order: New campaign When orders are created or updated, IF transaction have Gateway contain stripe Then Add tags to order: Stripe ( readers