Articles on: Auto Tags Customer & Order

Customer Tag - Common Use Cases

If you want to manage your customers who have spent large amounts of money on your store. You want to take care of potential customers or have a specific marketing campaign. Use Omega - Auto Tag & Flow to automatically add tag to this customer group.

How to set up this workflow:

Step 1: Go to your store admin -> choose " Omega - Tag & Flow" app.

Step 2: Go to " Templates" menu -> Choose "Total spent" card

Step 3: Edit the condition to fit your wishes

Enter your value

Step 4: Enter tag you want to add to your customer

Note: You can add the dynamic tags

Step 5: Test your workflow

Select your order and you can check if your condition matches this order

Step 6: Save workflow

Once saved, this workflow will be executed automatically when an order is created.

Updated on: 04/12/2024

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