Facebook Events by Omega - App configuration
# Settings tab
After you install this app, once you finished setup and will be redirected to the settings page.

You must Connect to your Facebook page via your Facebook app Id to use this app. See how to get Facebook App Id in here
If it pops up a window like this JSSDK Option is Not Toggled
Please be noted that the "Login with Javascript SDK" Option to Yes in developers.facebook.com
You can find it by going to the app by clicking https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ >> scroll down to Facebook Login >> Settings then you will see a box like this

The domain should be filled is https://api.omegatheme.com/
Then please add the pages you need to the app, it's done when you can see this view

# "Events" tab
After you connect to your Facebook Page, you can sync events from Facebook.

Note: After you create new events in your Facebook page, you must sync events in admin page (don't need to do it if you're using "Iframe" view mode).
How to get Facebook App ID (In case you had an app already)
How to get Facebook App ID (In case you have not created any app yet)
After you install this app, once you finished setup and will be redirected to the settings page.

You must Connect to your Facebook page via your Facebook app Id to use this app. See how to get Facebook App Id in here
If it pops up a window like this JSSDK Option is Not Toggled
Please be noted that the "Login with Javascript SDK" Option to Yes in developers.facebook.com
You can find it by going to the app by clicking https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ >> scroll down to Facebook Login >> Settings then you will see a box like this

The domain should be filled is https://api.omegatheme.com/
Then please add the pages you need to the app, it's done when you can see this view

General Settings:

Calendar snippet:

Advanced Settings:

# "Events" tab
After you connect to your Facebook Page, you can sync events from Facebook.

Note: After you create new events in your Facebook page, you must sync events in admin page (don't need to do it if you're using "Iframe" view mode).
How to get Facebook App ID (In case you had an app already)
How to get Facebook App ID (In case you have not created any app yet)
Updated on: 06/10/2022
Thank you!