Articles on: Google Shopping Feed PRO

How to sync only selected collections to the app?

For Free Plan users, our app only accommodates up to 50 random products to be imported into our app and fed to your desired destinations. If you choose to scan all products but only feed one particular collection, products selected to be included in your feed might not be scanned and ultimately not showing up in your feed.

In order to overcome this, it's the best for our app to only scan and feed those specific collections.

If you have already created a collection in Shopify containing only products you want to feed, please go to General Settings tab, in the Sources Management section, choose the Include Collections option and then save the change:

Now that our app has imported only your selected collections instead of all products, our app will scan only products from that collection. Please proceed to create a feed:

When you are comfortable with our app, you can always upgrade to our paid plans so that our app can scan and feed more of your products.

Our app's workflow

Updated on: 11/11/2022

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