About Omega Google Tag
Google Tag Manager (GTM) makes it quicker to place pixels and GTM tracking code on your website to measure conversions, track your marketing data in the most efficient way, but it requires you to edit your site’s theme.liquid file. If you are not a developer, it will be a hassle for you. Omega Google Tag app comes to help you with that problem, just by entering the GTM container ID and Analytics tracking ID, you can easily install GTM on yourFew readersOmega Google Tag Installation
⭐️ Installation Step 1: Log into your Shopify account in App Store. Click the ADD APP button to buy the app for your store. Step 2: You will then be redirected to your admin page and start installing. Step 3: After press Install app, the app will be automatically installed and take you to the configuration tab, enter GTM Container ID, Analytics Tracking ID and choose tracking options for the app to work.Few readersHow to get GTM container ID
Tutorial video: Create a new Google Tag Manager account or get your Container ID for your existing account at Create a new account Step 1: Choose Create Account Step 2: Enter account information and choose Web for target platform Step 3: Click Create, Yes with terms and conditions and get the container IDFew readersHow to get Analytics Tracking ID
Tutorial video: Create a new Analytics account, property and view to get Analytics Tracking ID at https://analytics.google.com or get tracking ID for your current account at https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/management/Settings Create a new account Step 1: Account setup: enter account name (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/8383e540Few readersHow to check the app work correctly
Tutorial video: After you done, Go to your store to check if it’s working Use Google Tag Assistant to see if it’s working or not Now when you’re browsing your website you’re going to see that tag every time you view your content, every time you add somethingFew readersOmega Google Tag FAQs
What can I do with Omega Google Tag? Google Conversion Tracking makes it easier to add Google Tag Manager (GTM) tracking code on your website to measure conversions, track your marketing data in the most efficient way. You just simply need to copy and paste the ID into the app on Tuesday March 23 by hientran How do I use Omega Google Tag? 1. Go to your Google Tag Manager Account and copy the ID Check how to get here: https://wwFew readers