Articles on: Estimated Shipping Date

How to calculate {date} & {date+1} in Estimated Shipping Date app

You can calculate the {date} and {date+1} by viewing our instructions.

Please note that it only count the working days, the disabled days will not be counted.


{date} and {date+1} are variables, please do not change the text inside.

If you set up cut-off time and enable the app all week

Before cut-off time

{date} = start date (today) + minimum days

{date+1} = {date} + estimated days

For example:

Today is 05/February/2021, Minimum days is 0, Estimated days is 2.

{date} will display 05/February/2021

{date+1} will display 07/February/2020

The estimated text will display "Estimated between 02/05/2021 and 02/07/2021"

After cut-off time

Minimum days will be added 1 more day

The estimated text will display "Estimated between 02/06/2021 and 02/08/2021"

If you don't set up cut-off time and enable the app all week

{date} = start date (today) + minimum days

{date+1} = {date} + estimated days

Updated on: 24/07/2022

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