Articles on: Estimated Shipping Date

How to customize display position for Estimated Shipping Date?

If you wish to change the default position of shipping information, or move this information somewhere else on the product page, please go to your Online Store > Themes and choose Actions then Edit Code .

After that you will be redirected to “Edit code” page. Here you have three pages to change the shipping's default position:
A) Choose Templates and find Product.liquid

Copy this code <div class="ot-estimated-shipping"></div> and add it anywhere you want the estimate information to be displayed in this page.
For example we added the code randomly in this tab

The information will then appear in “product page” immediately after you click Save button as below

B) Choose Sections and find Collection.liquid

Copy this code <div class="ot-estimated-shipping"></div> and add it anywhere you want the estimate information to be displayed in this page.
Estimated information will then appear in catalog/collection page:

C) Choose Sections and find Product-template.liquid below to check the place to add code

Copy this code <div class="ot-estimated-shipping"></div> and add it anywhere you want the estimate information to be displayed in this page.
Estimated information will then appear in “product page”

Updated on: 24/07/2022

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