如 何从 Shopify 商店中禁用或删除 Facebook 像素 How to disable or remove a Facebook pixel from your Shopify store
缺少 AddToCart/ PageView/ ViewContent/ InitCheckout 用户数据参数
服务器发送无效的匹配键参数 Server Sending Invalid Match Key Parameters
此像素未与目录错误配对 This pixel is not pair with a catalog error
如何添加员工帐户 How to add staff account
购买事件没有触发,我该怎么办?The purchase event is not firing, what should I do?
如何检查事件是否正在触发? How do I check whether an event is firing?
什么是事件匹配质量?What is Event Match Quality?
我的所有事件都被重复计算,我该如何解决?All of my events are double counted, how do I fix it?
在哪里可以查看像素数据? Where can I check the Pixel data?
删除应用程序后我需要做任何事情吗? Do I need to do anything after deleting the app?
该应用程序不跟踪初始结帐事件,我该怎么办?The app does not track initalCheckout event, what should I do?
Facebook 像素转换事件的货币转换问题 Currency convert issue with Facebook pixel conversion events
如果我想取消订阅,我应该怎么做? If I want to cancel the subscription, what should I do?
什麼是總價值跟踪?What is total value tracking?
我的像素可以在结帐页面上触发吗?Can my pixel fire on the checkout page?
如果我下一个测试订单,它会影响我的像素数据和我的广告活动吗? If I make a test order, does it influence my pixel data and my ad campaigns?
我可以在 Shopify 中添加一个Pixel ID 并在您的应用中添加另一个Pixel ID 吗?Can I add one pixel ID in Shopify and another pixel ID in your app?